diff options
15 files changed, 366 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/bezier.cpp b/bezier.cpp
index 77aa18c..64b0780 100644
--- a/bezier.cpp
+++ b/bezier.cpp
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ Mask_PushPoint(mask *Mask, v2 Pos)
+Mask_DeletePoint(mask *Mask, uint32 p)
static void
Mask_AddPointToCurve(mask *Mask, uint16 Index, real32 ratio)
diff --git a/bitmap_calls.cpp b/bitmap_calls.cpp
index 5d549c2..a67cd0b 100644
--- a/bitmap_calls.cpp
+++ b/bitmap_calls.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
// never even did any measuring to see if there was any speedup-- but I
// couldn't resist it. I like doing the software rendering stuff.
// TODO(fox): I could write an AVX version of this function, but it may not be
// that much faster since we have to do a bit of uninterleaving.
@@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ void Bitmap_ConvertPacking(void *Buffer, void *DestBuffer, uint16 Width, uint16
uint8 *Src = (uint8 *)Buffer;
uint8 *Temp = (uint8 *)DestBuffer;
uint32 RemainderPixels = Width % 4;
+ uint16 WidthP, HeightP;
+ Bitmap_CalcPackedDimensions(Width, Height, &WidthP, &HeightP);
for (uint32 Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++) {
uint32 X = 0;
while (X < Width - RemainderPixels) {
- uint16 WidthP, HeightP;
- Bitmap_CalcPackedDimensions(Width, Height, &WidthP, &HeightP);
uint32 XLookup = (X >> 2)*16 + (X % 4);
uint32 YLookup = (Y >> 2)*(WidthP*4) + (Y % 4)*4;
uint32 PixelToSeek = XLookup + YLookup;
@@ -210,8 +211,6 @@ Bitmap_CopyToPointer(void *Input, void *Output, uint16 BytesPerPixel, uint64 Tot
uint64 RemainderBytes = TotalBytes % ByteOffset;
while (bytes <= TotalBytes - RemainderBytes) {
- if (bytes > 2496*4)
- int pp = 0;
uint8 *Pixel = (uint8 *)Row + bytes;
uint8 *Pixel2 = (uint8 *)Row2 + bytes;
#if ARM
diff --git a/ b/
index 177dc3f..74f1435 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ IMGUI=0 # Compile ImGui libs. Our custom ImGui functions still compi
THREADED=1 # Compile with threading. Useful to disable when stepping through the renderer.
WINDOWS=0 # Compile for Windows with Mingw.
ARM=0 # Compile on ARM machines.
+PACKEDRGB=0 # Use 4x4 chunks for the software rasterizer.
+PERF=0 # Print cycle stats.
@@ -60,6 +62,12 @@ ADDITIONAL_FLAGS="
+if [[ "$PACKEDRGB" == 1 ]]; then
+if [[ "$PERF" == 1 ]]; then
if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin ]]; then
diff --git a/createcalls.cpp b/createcalls.cpp
index 5564264..2e754af 100644
--- a/createcalls.cpp
+++ b/createcalls.cpp
@@ -12,25 +12,13 @@ Source_Generate(project_data *File, memory *Memory, void *Path)
Assert(File->NumberOfSources < MAX_SOURCES);
source *Source = &File->Source[File->NumberOfSources];
+ bool32 IsVideo = 0;
- bool32 Found = 0;
- /*
- // TODO(fox): Unbreak stbi!
- int w, h;
- if (stbi_info(Path, &w, &h, NULL)) {
- Source->SourceType = source_type_image;
- Found = true;
- }
- */
- // TODO(fox): This cast won't work above STRING_MAX.
- if (!Found && AV_IsFileSupported((char *)Path)) {
- Source->SourceType = source_type_video;
- Found = true;
- }
- if (Found) {
+ if (AV_IsFileSupported((char *)Path, &IsVideo)) {
+ if (IsVideo)
+ Source->SourceType = source_type_video;
+ else
+ Source->SourceType = source_type_image;
Action_Entry_Commit(Memory, action_entry_default, "Add source");
Action_Change_Commit(Memory, &Source->Path, &Source->Path, &Path, action_change_ptr);
uint32 i = File->NumberOfSources + 1;
@@ -44,32 +32,6 @@ Source_Generate(project_data *File, memory *Memory, void *Path)
return 0;
- /*
-static pixel_buffer
-LoadImage(memory *Memory, char *filename)
- pixel_buffer Buffer = {};
- Buffer.BytesPerPixel = 4;
- int n = 0;
- int h, w;
- void *temp = stbi_load(filename, &w, &h, &n, 4);
- // printf("%s", stbi_failure_reason());
- Buffer.Height = h;
- Buffer.Width = w;
- CalculateFull(&Buffer);
- Buffer.Pitch = Buffer.FullWidth*Buffer.BytesPerPixel;
- // TODO(fox): Implement custom malloc in stbi so we don't have to do this.
- Buffer.OriginalBuffer = MoveImportToBitmap(Memory, &Buffer, temp);
- stbi_image_free(temp);
- Buffer.EffectBuffer = AllocateMemory(Memory, Buffer.FullWidth * Buffer.FullHeight * Buffer.BytesPerPixel, B_Scratch);
- BitmapPackRGB(&Buffer);
- Buffer.ToUpdate = true;
- return Buffer;
- */
static property_channel
InitFloatProperty(char *Name, real32 Val, real32 ScrubVal, real32 MinVal = PROPERTY_REAL_MIN, real32 MaxVal = PROPERTY_REAL_MAX) {
property_channel Property = {};
@@ -83,7 +45,6 @@ InitFloatProperty(char *Name, real32 Val, real32 ScrubVal, real32 MinVal = PROPE
return Property;
static void
CreateKeyframeBlock(property_channel *Property, memory *Memory)
@@ -211,15 +172,29 @@ Mask_RasterizePoints(mask *Mask)
if (i+1 == Mask->NumberOfPoints)
Point1 = Mask->Point[0];
- if (Point0.HandleBezier || Point1.HandleBezier) {
+ if (Point0.HandleBezier && Point1.HandleBezier) {
Bezier_CubicCalcPoints(Point0.Pos, Point0.Pos + Point0.TangentRight, Point1.Pos + Point1.TangentLeft, Point1.Pos,
Mask->TriangulatedPointCache, &Mask->NumberOfVerts);
+ } else if (Point0.HandleBezier) {
+ Bezier_CubicCalcPoints(Point0.Pos, Point0.Pos + Point0.TangentRight, Point1.Pos, Point1.Pos,
+ Mask->TriangulatedPointCache, &Mask->NumberOfVerts);
+ } else if (Point1.HandleBezier) {
+ Bezier_CubicCalcPoints(Point0.Pos, Point0.Pos, Point1.Pos + Point1.TangentLeft, Point1.Pos,
+ Mask->TriangulatedPointCache, &Mask->NumberOfVerts);
} else {
real32 *Data = (real32 *)Mask->TriangulatedPointCache + Mask->NumberOfVerts*3;
*(Data++) = Point0.Pos.x;
*(Data++) = Point0.Pos.y;
*(Data++) = 0;
- Mask->NumberOfVerts += 1;
+ // NOTE(fox): CubicCalcPoints sometimes misses generating the start
+ // point of the next path in the above two cases, so I'm making
+ // straight lines always add both points as a hotfix. This leads
+ // to cases of duplicate verts, but it doesn't seem like it harms
+ // the rendering in any way.
+ *(Data++) = Point1.Pos.x;
+ *(Data++) = Point1.Pos.y;
+ *(Data++) = 0;
+ Mask->NumberOfVerts += 2;
@@ -354,7 +329,7 @@ Layer_UpdateBitmap(project_data *File, project_layer *Layer, memory *Memory, int
cached_bitmap *Bitmap = Cache_CheckBitmap(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory, CurrentFrame);
if (!Bitmap) {
if (Source->SourceType == source_type_image) {
- Bitmap = STB_LoadStill(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory);
+ Bitmap = AV_LoadVideoFrame(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory, 1);
} else {
Bitmap = AV_LoadVideoFrame(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory, CurrentFrame);
@@ -364,26 +339,35 @@ Layer_UpdateBitmap(project_data *File, project_layer *Layer, memory *Memory, int
uint16 BytesPerPixel = Source->Info.BytesPerPixel;
void *DestBuffer = BitmapInfo->BitmapBuffer;
uint64 UnpackedSize = Bitmap_CalcUnpackedBytes(Source->Info.Width, Source->Info.Height, Source->Info.BytesPerPixel);
uint64 PackedSize = Bitmap_CalcTotalBytes(Source->Info.Width, Source->Info.Height, Source->Info.BytesPerPixel);
- Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Bitmap->Data, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, UnpackedSize);
- TestGL_InitTexture(&BitmapInfo->Test, DestBuffer, Width, Height);
- if (Layer->NumberOfMasks) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Layer->NumberOfMasks; i++) {
- mask *Mask = &Layer->Mask[i];
- if (Mask->IsClosed)
- Mask_TriangulateAndRasterize(Memory, Layer, Mask);
+ if (Layer->NumberOfMasks == 0 && Layer->NumberOfEffects == 0) {
+ Bitmap_ConvertPacking(Bitmap->Data, Memory->Scratch, Width, Height, BytesPerPixel, 0);
+ Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Memory->Scratch, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, PackedSize);
+ } else {
+ Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Bitmap->Data, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, UnpackedSize);
+ TestGL_InitTexture(&BitmapInfo->Test, DestBuffer, Width, Height);
+ if (Layer->NumberOfMasks) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < Layer->NumberOfMasks; i++) {
+ mask *Mask = &Layer->Mask[i];
+ if (Mask->IsClosed)
+ Mask_TriangulateAndRasterize(Memory, Layer, Mask);
+ }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < Layer->NumberOfEffects; i++)
- {
- if (Layer->Effect[i]->IsActive)
- Layer->Effect[i]->func(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory, Layer->Effect[i]->Property);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Layer->NumberOfEffects; i++)
+ {
+ if (Layer->Effect[i]->IsActive)
+ Layer->Effect[i]->func(Source, BitmapInfo, Memory, Layer->Effect[i]->Property);
+ }
+ Bitmap_ConvertPacking(DestBuffer, Memory->Scratch, Width, Height, BytesPerPixel, 0);
+ Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Memory->Scratch, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, PackedSize);
- Bitmap_ConvertPacking(DestBuffer, Memory->Scratch, Width, Height, BytesPerPixel, 0);
- Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Memory->Scratch, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, PackedSize);
+ Bitmap_CopyToPointer(Bitmap->Data, DestBuffer, BytesPerPixel, UnpackedSize);
static ImVec2
@@ -422,10 +406,19 @@ LoadTestFootage(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory)
Source_Generate(File, Memory, SourceString);
source *Source = &File->Source[0];
Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, Memory, Source);
- // Action_Undo(Memory);
- // Action_Redo(Memory);
SelectLayer(File->Layer[0], State, 0);
+ property_channel *Property = &File->Layer[0]->x;
+ // for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ // ManualKeyframeInsertF(Property, Memory, i*2, i*2*100);
+ ManualKeyframeInsertF(Property, Memory, 1, 100);
+ ManualKeyframeInsertF(Property, Memory, 3, 300);
+ ManualKeyframeInsertF(Property, Memory, 23, 2300);
+ ManualKeyframeInsertF(Property, Memory, 5, 500);
+ Property->IsToggled = true;
+ Property->IsGraphToggled = true;
+ Property->GraphLength = 150;
+ Property->GraphYOffset = (Property->GraphWindowHeight - Property->GraphLength)/2;
// AddEffect(File->Layer[0], Memory, 3);
@@ -484,9 +477,12 @@ LoadTestFootage(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory)
// Layer2->StartFrame = 11;
// Layer2->EndFrame = 23;
- // if (!Source_Generate(File, Memory, "../asset/b.jpg"))
+ // void *SourceString1 = String_GenerateFromChar(Memory, "../asset/b.jpg");
+ // if (!Source_Generate(File, Memory, SourceString1))
// PostMsg(State, "File open fail...");
- // source *Source2 = &File->Source[2];
+ // source *Source1 = &File->Source[1];
+ // for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ // Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, Memory, Source1);
// project_layer *Layer2 = Layer_Init(File, Memory);
// Layer_InitSource(Layer2, Source2, Memory);
diff --git a/debug.h b/debug.h
index e2df239..5863298 100644
--- a/debug.h
+++ b/debug.h
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ union debugval {
int32 i;
+enum PerfID {
+ perf_renderframe
// things that get cleared every frame with the UI
struct debug_temp
@@ -28,16 +32,22 @@ struct project_debug
debug_temp Temp;
bool32 ToggleWindow;
+ uint64 PixelCountTransparent;
+ uint64 PixelCountRendered;
+ uint64 PixelCountChecked;
+ // NOTE(fox): Pixel count isn't thread safe; don't use with multithreading!
+ uint64 LayerCycleCount[64];
static project_debug Debug;
-#if ARM
-#define DEBUG_CycleCountStart(ID)
-#define DEBUG_CycleCountEnd(ID)
+#if DEBUG
+#define Debug_CycleCountStart(ID) Debug.CycleCount[ID] = __rdtsc();
+#define Debug_CycleCountEnd(ID) Debug.EndCycleCount[ID] += __rdtsc() - Debug.CycleCount[ID]; Debug.ExecutionAmount[ID]++;
-#define DEBUG_CycleCountStart(ID) Debug.CycleCount[ID] = __rdtsc();
-#define DEBUG_CycleCountEnd(ID) Debug.EndCycleCount[ID] += __rdtsc() - Debug.CycleCount[ID]; Debug.ExecutionAmount[ID]++;
+#define Debug_CycleCountStart(ID)
+#define Debug_CycleCountEnd(ID)
static void
@@ -80,3 +90,17 @@ DebugWatchVar(char *Name, void *Address, valtype Type) {
+#ifdef PERF
+struct perf_stats
+ uint64 PixelCountTransparent;
+ uint64 PixelCountRendered;
+ uint64 PixelCountChecked;
+static perf_stats Perf;
+static uint64 Test;
diff --git a/defines.h b/defines.h
index b919afb..d3ccc16 100644
--- a/defines.h
+++ b/defines.h
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#define AmountOf(Array) sizeof((Array)) / sizeof((Array)[1])
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef int32_t int32;
@@ -15,8 +13,7 @@ typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef float real32;
typedef double real64;
-// is there a compiler variable for 32 vs 64 bit like this?
-typedef uint64 ptrsize;
+typedef uint64 ptrsize; // is there a compiler variable for 32 vs 64 bit like this?
#define NORMALIZED_COL_MIN { .col = V4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) }
#define NORMALIZED_COL_MAX { .col = V4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) }
@@ -36,10 +33,11 @@ typedef uint64 ptrsize;
#define MAX_SOURCES 1024
#define MAX_MASKS 8
-// max keyframes on a single channel is 2048
-#define STRING_SIZE 1024
+#define MAX_KEYFRAMES_PER_BLOCK 32 // max keyframes on a single channel is 2048
+#define STRING_SIZE 1024 // TODO(fox): Paths above STRING_SIZE length aren't handled properly.
+#define AmountOf(Array) sizeof((Array)) / sizeof((Array)[1])
diff --git a/ffmpeg_backend.cpp b/ffmpeg_backend.cpp
index 6f0aeb5..03d3214 100644
--- a/ffmpeg_backend.cpp
+++ b/ffmpeg_backend.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>
// workaround to make libav error printing work
#ifdef av_err2str
#undef av_err2str
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ av_always_inline std::string av_err2string(int errnum) {
#define av_err2str(err) av_err2string(err).c_str()
#endif // av_err2str
#include "ffmpeg_backend.h"
@@ -54,9 +56,7 @@ bool32 AV_TryFrame(av_info *AV, int32 *err)
return 0;
-// TODO(fox): Could be combined into AV_Init once we have dealloc functions for
-// the AVInfo allocation.
-bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename)
+bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename, bool32 *IsVideo)
int32 err = 0;
@@ -81,9 +81,22 @@ bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename)
return 0;
- avformat_free_context(temp);
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < temp->nb_streams; i++)
+ {
+ AVCodecParameters *LocalCodecParameters = NULL;
+ LocalCodecParameters = temp->streams[i]->codecpar;
+ if (LocalCodecParameters->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
+ if (temp->streams[i]->duration > 1) {
+ *IsVideo = true;
+ }
+ avformat_free_context(temp);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
- return 1;
+ printf("Libav error: No video track found.");
+ return 0;
// Note that we can't get away with not having to keep track of the AV pointer
@@ -142,7 +155,7 @@ void AV_Init(source *Source, av_info *AV, memory *Memory)
AV->VideoCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV->VideoCodecParameters->codec_id);
if (!AV->VideoCodec) {
- printf("Libav error: Video codec could not be identified.");
+ printf("Libav error: Suitable decoder could not be identified for codec:\n");
int16 codecs = 0;
@@ -261,7 +274,7 @@ cached_bitmap * AV_LoadVideoFrame(source *Source, layer_bitmap_info *BitmapInfo,
// first frame, so we need to check until it's correct.
if (FrameToSeek == 0 && AV->VideoFrame->pts != AV->VideoStream->start_time) {
- printf("NON-START: avg: %li, real pts: %li", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts);
+ // printf("NON-START: avg: %li, real pts: %li", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts);
@@ -270,9 +283,9 @@ cached_bitmap * AV_LoadVideoFrame(source *Source, layer_bitmap_info *BitmapInfo,
if (AV->PreviousPTS == -1) {
AV->PreviousPTS = AV->VideoFrame->pts;
- printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, Difference);
+ // printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, Difference);
} else {
- printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li difference from last pts: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, AV->VideoFrame->pts - SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts - AV->PreviousPTS);
+ // printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li difference from last pts: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, AV->VideoFrame->pts - SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts - AV->PreviousPTS);
AV->PreviousPTS = AV->VideoFrame->pts;
@@ -308,7 +321,7 @@ cached_bitmap * AV_LoadVideoFrame(source *Source, layer_bitmap_info *BitmapInfo,
// If this gets printed when not seeking, a frame has been skipped!
- printf("FRAME SKIP: avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, Difference);
+ // printf("FRAME SKIP: avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, Difference);
diff --git a/functions.h b/functions.h
index 654c709..39e4f8d 100644
--- a/functions.h
+++ b/functions.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ static bool32 Source_Generate(project_data *File, memory *Memory, void *Path); /
// Libav (ffmpeg) backend for decoding video
-static bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename); // Tests whether a decoder is available for a given file.
+static bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename, bool32 *IsVideo);
static void AV_Init(char *filename, source *Source, memory *Memory); // Initializes all internal structs and calculates average PTS.
static cached_bitmap * AV_LoadVideoFrame(source *Source, memory *Memory, int32 TimelineFrame); // Loads video frame at TimelineFrame.
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ static v2 ImGui_ScreenPointToCompUV(ImVec2 ViewportMin, ImVec2 CompPos, ImVec2 C
void Bezier_CubicCalcPoints(v2 p1, v2 p2, v2 p3, v2 p4, void *Data, uint32 *Increment);
static void Action_Change_Commit(memory *Memory, void *DataLocation, void *OriginalData, void *NewData, action_change_type ActionChange);
+static void Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(memory *Memory, bool32 *Bool);
static void Action_Entry_SetPointer(memory *Memory, void *Data);
static void Action_Entry_Commit(memory *Memory, action_entry_type Type, char *Name);
static void Action_Entry_End(memory *Memory);
diff --git a/keyframes.cpp b/keyframes.cpp
index 25c41c0..c9f7813 100644
--- a/keyframes.cpp
+++ b/keyframes.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
static keyframe*
-KeyframeLookupMemory(property_channel *Property, int16 i) {
+KeyframeLookup(property_channel *Property, int16 i) {
int16 k = i - b*MAX_KEYFRAMES_PER_BLOCK;
return &Property->KeyframeBlock[b]->Keyframe[k];
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ GetSelectedKeyframes(project_data *File)
for (int i = 0; i < File->NumberOfLayers; i++) {
for (int a = 0; a < AmountOf(File->Layer[i]->Property); a++) {
for (int l = 0; l < File->Layer[i]->Property[a].NumberOfTotalKeyframes; l++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(&File->Layer[i]->Property[a], l);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(&File->Layer[i]->Property[a], l);
if (Keyframe->IsSelected) {
KeyframeList.SelectedKeyframe[z] = Keyframe;
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ DeleteKeyframeFromMemory(property_channel *Property, int16 Increment, int16 Stop
if (Increment > 0) {
int16 i = Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes - 1;
while (i > StopAt) {
- keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, i);
- keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, i + Increment);
+ keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, i);
+ keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, i + Increment);
*NextKeyframe = *CurrentKeyframe;
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ DeleteKeyframeFromMemory(property_channel *Property, int16 Increment, int16 Stop
} else {
int16 i = StopAt;
while (i < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes - 1) {
- keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, i);
- keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, i - Increment);
+ keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, i);
+ keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, i - Increment);
*CurrentKeyframe = *NextKeyframe;
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ DeleteSelectedKeyframes(project_data *File, memory *Memory)
for (int a = 0; a < AmountOf(File->Layer[i]->Property); a++) {
property_channel *Property = &File->Layer[i]->Property[a];
for (int l = 0; l < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes; l++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, l);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, l);
if (Keyframe->IsSelected) {
int16 ToShift = 1;
bool32 Until = true;
while (Until) {
- keyframe *KeyframeN = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, l + ToShift);
+ keyframe *KeyframeN = KeyframeLookup(Property, l + ToShift);
if (KeyframeN->IsSelected) {
ToShift += 1;
} else {
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ CalculatePropertyMinMax(property_channel *Property) {
Property->LocalMaxVal = Property->MinVal;
Property->LocalMinVal = Property->MaxVal;
for (int16 i = 0; i < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes; i++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, i);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, i);
Property->LocalMinVal.f = Ceil(Property->LocalMinVal.f, Keyframe->Value.f);
Property->LocalMaxVal.f = Floor(Property->LocalMaxVal.f, Keyframe->Value.f);
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ static void
ClampKeyframeHandles(property_channel *Property, int16 b, int16 dir) {
if (dir == 0) {
if (b > 0) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b - 1);
- keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b - 1);
+ keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
real32 XSpan = NextKeyframe->FrameNumber - Keyframe->FrameNumber;
// TODO(fox): Fix this!
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ ClampKeyframeHandles(property_channel *Property, int16 b, int16 dir) {
if (dir == 1) {
if (b < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes - 1) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
- keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b + 1);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
+ keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b + 1);
real32 XSpan = NextKeyframe->FrameNumber - Keyframe->FrameNumber;
if (Keyframe->TangentRight.x > XSpan)
Keyframe->TangentRight.x = XSpan;
@@ -266,36 +266,55 @@ ClampSurroundingKeyframeHandles(property_channel *Property, int16 b) {
static void
ManualKeyframeInsertF(property_channel *Property, memory *Memory, int32 CurrentFrame, real32 Val)
- /*
if (!(Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes % MAX_KEYFRAMES_PER_BLOCK)) {
CreateKeyframeBlock(Property, Memory);
keyframe *Keyframe = NULL;
if (Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes == 0) {
Keyframe = &Property->KeyframeBlock[0]->Keyframe[0];
- } else if (Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes == 1) {
- keyframe *FirstKeyframe = &Property->KeyframeBlock[0]->Keyframe[0];
- if (CurrentFrame > FirstKeyframe->FrameNumber) {
- Keyframe = &Property->KeyframeBlock[0]->Keyframe[1];
- } else {
- Keyframe = &Property->KeyframeBlock[0]->Keyframe[0];
- }
+ Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes++;
} else {
- uint32 Index = Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes - 1;
+ uint32 Index = Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes;
bool32 Found = false;
while (!Found) {
- keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, Index);
- if (CurrentKeyframe->FrameNumber < CurrentFrame) {
- ShiftKeyframes(Property, 1, i - 1);
+ keyframe *PreviousKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index - 1);
+ keyframe *NextKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index + 1);
+ if (PreviousKeyframe->FrameNumber < CurrentFrame) {
+ if (NextKeyframe->FrameNumber >= CurrentFrame || Index == Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes) {
+ keyframe *CurrentKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index);
+ if (CurrentKeyframe->FrameNumber == CurrentFrame || Index == Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes) {
+ Keyframe = CurrentKeyframe;
+ Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes++;
+ } else {
+ if (CurrentKeyframe->FrameNumber > CurrentFrame) {
+ Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index);
+ } else {
+ Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Found = true;
+ } else {
+ Index += (Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes - Index) / 2;
+ }
+ // We can only progress from this first if statement if
+ // NextKeyframe is valid, so we need to check for these conditions.
+ } else if (Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes == 1) {
+ Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes++;
+ Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, 0);
+ Found = true;
+ } else if (Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes == 2) {
+ keyframe *FirstKeyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, Index + 1);
+ if (FirstKeyframe->FrameNumber > CurrentFrame)
+ Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, 0);
+ else
+ Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, 1);
+ Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes++;
Found = true;
} else {
- Index--;
+ Index = Index / 2;
- Keyframe = PushKeyframe(Property);
- if (Keyframe->FrameNumber != CurrentFrame)
- Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes++;
Assert(!(Keyframe == NULL))
Keyframe->FrameNumber = CurrentFrame;
@@ -305,7 +324,6 @@ ManualKeyframeInsertF(property_channel *Property, memory *Memory, int32 CurrentF
Keyframe->TangentRight = V2(1, 0);
Keyframe->ImguiID = RandomGlobalIncrement++;
- */
diff --git a/layer.cpp b/layer.cpp
index 1730565..5fb608e 100644
--- a/layer.cpp
+++ b/layer.cpp
@@ -83,6 +83,12 @@ SelectLayer(project_layer *Layer, project_state *State, int32 i)
static void
+DuplicateLayer(project_data *File, project_state *State)
+ project_layer *Layer = File->Layer[State->MostRecentlySelectedLayer];
+static void
DeselectAllLayers(project_data *File, project_state *State)
temp_layer_list List = FindSelectedLayerIndex(File, State->NumberOfSelectedLayers);
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 06a691a..49187e4 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include <smmintrin.h>
#include "imgui/imgui.h"
#include "imgui/backends/imgui_impl_sdl.h"
#include "imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.h"
@@ -33,13 +32,6 @@
#include "lib/stb_image.h"
-#if 0
-#include <iacaMarks.h>
-#define IACA_START
-#define IACA_END
#include "defines.h"
#include "my_math.h"
#include "main.h"
@@ -67,7 +59,6 @@ SDL_sem *Semaphore;
#include "bezier.cpp"
#include "threading.cpp"
#include "prenderer.cpp"
#include "ffmpeg_backend.cpp"
@@ -508,26 +499,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
C = SDL_AtomicGet(&CompletedEntries);
if (C == 16) {
- Bitmap_ConvertPacking(CompBuffer.PackedBuffer, CompBuffer.UnpackedBuffer,
- CompBuffer.Width, CompBuffer.Height, CompBuffer.BytesPerPixel, 1);
- EndRenderState(&State);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
- glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, CompBuffer.Width, CompBuffer.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
- CompBuffer.UnpackedBuffer);
- // shmp->shared_framenumber = File.CurrentFrame;
- // if (sem_post(&shmp->sem2) == -1)
- // Assert(0);
+ FinishRenderAndUpload(&State, &CompBuffer, textureID);
- Bitmap_ConvertPacking(CompBuffer.PackedBuffer, CompBuffer.UnpackedBuffer,
- CompBuffer.Width, CompBuffer.Height, CompBuffer.BytesPerPixel, 1);
- EndRenderState(&State);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
- glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, CompBuffer.Width, CompBuffer.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
- CompBuffer.UnpackedBuffer);
+ if (IsRendering) {
+ FinishRenderAndUpload(&State, &CompBuffer, textureID);
+ }
diff --git a/main.h b/main.h
index af45516..3c7455a 100644
--- a/main.h
+++ b/main.h
@@ -480,6 +480,11 @@ enum selection_type
+char *ToolName[] {
+ "Move",
+ "Pen"
enum tool {
diff --git a/my_imgui_widgets.cpp b/my_imgui_widgets.cpp
index 4bf6b5e..54fa9c1 100644
--- a/my_imgui_widgets.cpp
+++ b/my_imgui_widgets.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
static void
ImGui_KeyframeDragging(project_data *File, project_state *State, ui *UI, property_channel *Property, int32 b, ImGuiIO io, int16 Type)
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
if (ImGui::IsItemActive()) {
if (!Keyframe->IsSelected && ImGui::IsItemActivated())
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
ImVec2 Point1_ScreenPos = Layer_LocalToScreenSpace(Layer, UI, CompBuffer, Point1_Pos);
ImVec2 Point1_ScreenPos_Left = Layer_LocalToScreenSpace(Layer, UI, CompBuffer, Point1_Pos_Left);
- ImVec2 Point1_ScreenPos_Right = Layer_LocalToScreenSpace(Layer, UI, CompBuffer, Point1_Pos_Right);
+ // ImVec2 Point1_ScreenPos_Right = Layer_LocalToScreenSpace(Layer, UI, CompBuffer, Point1_Pos_Right);
@@ -450,13 +450,13 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
// The handle itself
- // if (Point0->IsSelected || State->Tool == tool_pen) {
- col = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered);
+ col = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered);
+ if (Point0->HandleBezier) {
draw_list->AddNgon(Point0_ScreenPos_Left, 10, col, 8, 5.0f);
draw_list->AddNgon(Point0_ScreenPos_Right, 10, col, 8, 5.0f);
draw_list->AddLine(Point0_ScreenPos, Point0_ScreenPos_Left, col, 2.0f);
draw_list->AddLine(Point0_ScreenPos, Point0_ScreenPos_Right, col, 2.0f);
- // }
+ }
draw_list->AddNgon(Point0_ScreenPos, 10, col, 8, 5.0f);
@@ -484,21 +484,20 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
if (ImGui::IsItemActivated() && b == 0) {
if (p == 0 && State->Pen.IsActive) {
- // TODO(fox): I think we need some alternate
- // Change functions to make these types of
- // value sets more easy to read...
- bool32 SetFalse = false;
- bool32 SetTrue = true;
Action_Entry_Commit(Memory, action_entry_default, "Close mask path");
- Action_Change_Commit(Memory, &State->Pen.IsActive,
- &State->Pen.IsActive, &SetFalse, action_change_i32);
- Action_Change_Commit(Memory, &Mask->IsClosed,
- &Mask->IsClosed, &SetTrue, action_change_i32);
- Action_Entry_End(Memory);
+ Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(Memory, &State->Pen.IsActive);
+ Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(Memory, &Mask->IsClosed);
// State->Pen.IsActive = false;
// Mask->IsClosed = true;
+ Action_Entry_End(Memory);
+ } else if (io.KeyCtrl) {
+ // TODO(fox): Mask delete!
+ } else if (io.KeyAlt) {
+ Action_Entry_Commit(Memory, action_entry_default, "Switch handles on point");
+ Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(Memory, &Point0->HandleBezier);
+ Action_Entry_End(Memory);
- Point0->IsSelected = 1;
+ Point0->IsSelected = true;
if (ImGui::IsItemActive()) {
ImVec2 MouseIncrement = io.MouseDelta * (ImVec2(CompBuffer.Width, CompBuffer.Height) / UI->CompZoom);
@@ -527,8 +526,14 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
ImU32 col2 = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Button);
- if (Point0->HandleBezier || Point1->HandleBezier) {
+ if (Point0->HandleBezier && Point1->HandleBezier) {
+ draw_list->AddBezierCubic(Point0_ScreenPos, Point0_ScreenPos_Right,
+ Point1_ScreenPos_Left, Point1_ScreenPos, col2, 6.0f, 0);
+ } else if (Point0->HandleBezier) {
draw_list->AddBezierCubic(Point0_ScreenPos, Point0_ScreenPos_Right,
+ Point1_ScreenPos, Point1_ScreenPos, col2, 6.0f, 0);
+ } else if (Point1->HandleBezier) {
+ draw_list->AddBezierCubic(Point0_ScreenPos, Point0_ScreenPos,
Point1_ScreenPos_Left, Point1_ScreenPos, col2, 6.0f, 0);
} else {
draw_list->AddLine(Point0_ScreenPos, Point1_ScreenPos, col2, 6.0f);
@@ -547,6 +552,7 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ // Code that basically mimics Mask_AddPointToCurve but visualized in screen space, for checking bugs.
v2 LayerPoint = Layer_ScreenSpaceToLocal(Layer, UI, CompBuffer, ViewportMin, io.MousePos);
real32 ratio = Bezier_CubicRatioOfPoint(Point0_Pos, Point0_Pos_Right, Point1_Pos_Left, Point1_Pos, LayerPoint);
draw_list->AddNgon(io.MousePos, 2, col, 8, 5.0f);
@@ -597,7 +603,7 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
for (int t = 0; t < tool_count; t++) {
bool32 Selected = (State->Tool == t);
- if (ImGui::Selectable("##tool", Selected, 0, ImVec2(ButtonSize, ButtonSize))) {
+ if (ImGui::Selectable(ToolName[t], Selected, 0, ImVec2(ButtonSize*2, ButtonSize))) {
State->Tool = (tool)t;
@@ -636,13 +642,19 @@ ImGui_Viewport(project_data File, project_state *State, ui *UI, memory *Memory,
CurrentPoint->TangentRight = -OffsetPos;
CurrentPoint->TangentLeft = OffsetPos;
- if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Escape) && IsActive) {
+ // Escape can be pressed to exit point-adding mode or to delete the
+ // mask if it was just created.
+ if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Escape)) {
mask *Mask = &Layer->Mask[Layer->NumberOfMasks-1];
- if (Mask->NumberOfPoints == 1) {
+ if (IsActive && Mask->NumberOfPoints == 1) {
Mask->NumberOfPoints = 0;
+ State->Pen.IsActive = false;
+ } else {
+ Action_Entry_Commit(Memory, action_entry_default, "Path adding exited");
+ Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(Memory, &State->Pen.IsActive);
+ Action_Entry_End(Memory);
- State->Pen.IsActive = false;
IsDeactivated = false; // just in case escape and mouse release happen simultaneously
if (IsDeactivated) {
@@ -1216,7 +1228,7 @@ ImGui_Timeline(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, ui *UI,
for (int b = 0; b < Layer->Property[a].NumberOfTotalKeyframes; b++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
real32 KeyframeOrigin = TimelineStartingPos.x + UI->TimelineZoom*Keyframe->FrameNumber;
ImVec2 KeyframePosition = ImVec2(KeyframeOrigin - FontHeight/2, InitialY);
@@ -1270,7 +1282,7 @@ ImGui_Timeline(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, ui *UI,
ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab);
for (int b = 0; b < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes; b++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
// int32 Index = KeyframeMemoryToIndex(Property, b);
@@ -1351,7 +1363,7 @@ ImGui_Timeline(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, ui *UI,
// TODO(fox): Reformat this so it's all done in one loop.
for (int b = 0; b < Property->NumberOfTotalKeyframes; b++) {
- keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookupMemory(Property, b);
+ keyframe *Keyframe = KeyframeLookup(Property, b);
real32 MinVal = Property->LocalMinVal.f;
real32 MaxVal = Property->LocalMaxVal.f;
@@ -1627,6 +1639,10 @@ ImGui_ProcessInputs(project_data *File, project_state *State, comp_buffer *CompB
if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_1))
LoadTestFootage(File, State, Memory);
+ if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_D) && io.KeyCtrl)
+ {
+ }
if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Delete))
switch (State->RecentSelectionType)
diff --git a/prenderer.cpp b/prenderer.cpp
index e755fe7..909fc4c 100644
--- a/prenderer.cpp
+++ b/prenderer.cpp
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ static void
RenderLayers(render_queue *RenderInfo, rectangle RenderRegion) {
for (int16 i = 0; i < RenderInfo->State->NumberOfLayersToRender; i++) {
int16 Idx = RenderInfo->State->LayersToRender[i];
#if ARM
if (InstructionMode == instruction_mode_neon)
Fallback_RenderLayer(RenderInfo->File->Layer[Idx]->TransformInfo, RenderInfo->CompBuffer, RenderRegion);
@@ -114,10 +115,45 @@ RenderLayers(render_queue *RenderInfo, rectangle RenderRegion) {
static void
+FinishRenderAndUpload(project_state *State, comp_buffer *CompBuffer, GLuint textureID)
+#if PERF
+ Test = __rdtsc() - Test;
+ Debug.PixelCountRendered = 1280*720*5;
+ printf("Cycles per pixel rendered: %li ", Test / Debug.PixelCountRendered);
+ printf("Pixels rendered: %li ", Debug.PixelCountRendered);
+ printf("Cycles: %li\n", Test);
+ Test = 0;
+ Debug.PixelCountTransparent = 0;
+ Debug.PixelCountRendered = 0;
+ Debug.PixelCountChecked = 0;
+ Bitmap_ConvertPacking(CompBuffer->PackedBuffer, CompBuffer->UnpackedBuffer,
+ CompBuffer->Width, CompBuffer->Height, CompBuffer->BytesPerPixel, 1);
+ EndRenderState(State);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, CompBuffer->Width, CompBuffer->Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
+ CompBuffer->UnpackedBuffer);
+ // shmp->shared_framenumber = File.CurrentFrame;
+ // if (sem_post(&shmp->sem2) == -1)
+ // Assert(0);
+static void
QueueCurrentFrame(project_data *File, comp_buffer *CompBuffer, project_state *State)
IsRendering = true;
render_queue RenderInfo = {File, State, CompBuffer};
+#if PERF
+ Test = __rdtsc();
for (int16 i = 0; i < File->NumberOfLayers; i++)
@@ -290,6 +326,13 @@ NEON_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
+#if 0
+#include "iacaMarks.h"
+#define IACA_START
+#define IACA_END
static void
AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
@@ -329,6 +372,7 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256 ZeroPointFive = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5);
__m256i Onei = _mm256_set1_epi32(1);
__m256 Four = _mm256_set1_ps(4);
+ __m256 Eight = _mm256_set1_ps(8);
__m256i FF = _mm256_set1_epi32(0xFF);
__m256i BottomTwoBits = _mm256_set1_epi32(0x03);
__m256i Fouri = _mm256_set1_epi32(4);
@@ -338,9 +382,24 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
// __m256i White = _mm256_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0);
// __m256i White2 = _mm256_set1_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF);
- // NOTE(fox): Each loop operates on 8 pixels, 4 horizontal by 2 vertical,
- // as per the bitmap packing scheme in memory.
+ // TODO(fox): Tried an MSAA technique for anti aliasing, but it still looks pretty sucky.
+ __m256 X0 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.30);
+ __m256 Y0 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.10);
+ __m256 X1 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.80);
+ __m256 Y1 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.35);
+ __m256 X2 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.05);
+ __m256 Y2 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.60);
+ __m256 X3 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.55);
+ __m256 Y3 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.85);
+ __m256i LayerPitch = _mm256_set1_epi32(T.LayerPitch);
+ __m256i BytesPerPixel = _mm256_set1_epi32(Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
for (int32 Y = LayerBounds.Min.y; Y < LayerBounds.Max.y; Y+=2)
__m256 PixelX = _mm256_setr_ps((real32)LayerBounds.Min.x,
@@ -360,22 +419,31 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
+ for (int32 Y = LayerBounds.Min.y; Y < LayerBounds.Max.y; Y++)
+ {
+ __m256 PixelX = _mm256_setr_ps((real32)LayerBounds.Min.x,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+1,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+2,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+3,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+4,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+5,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+6,
+ (real32)LayerBounds.Min.x+7);
+ __m256 PixelY = _mm256_set1_ps((real32)Y);
__m256 StartVectorY = _mm256_sub_ps(PixelY, OriginY);
for (int32 X = LayerBounds.Min.x; X < LayerBounds.Max.x; X += 4)
+ for (int32 X = LayerBounds.Min.x; X < LayerBounds.Max.x; X += 8)
- // TODO(fox): Tried an MSAA technique for anti aliasing, but it still looks pretty sucky.
- __m256 X0 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.30);
- __m256 Y0 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.10);
- __m256 X1 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.80);
- __m256 Y1 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.35);
- __m256 X2 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.05);
- __m256 Y2 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.60);
- __m256 X3 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.55);
- __m256 Y3 = _mm256_set1_ps(0.85);
__m256 StartVectorX = _mm256_sub_ps(PixelX, OriginX);
__m256 StartVectorX0 = _mm256_add_ps(StartVectorX, X0);
@@ -387,10 +455,14 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256 StartVectorX3 = _mm256_add_ps(StartVectorX, X3);
__m256 StartVectorY3 = _mm256_add_ps(StartVectorY, Y3);
uint32 XLookup = (X >> 2)*16 + (X % 4);
uint32 YLookup = (Y >> 2)*(WidthP*4) + (Y % 4)*4;
uint32 PixelToSeek = XLookup + YLookup;
uint8 *Pixel = (uint8 *)Buffer->PackedBuffer + PixelToSeek*Buffer->BytesPerPixel;
+ uint8 *Pixel = (uint8 *)Buffer->UnpackedBuffer + Y*T.BufferPitch + X*Buffer->BytesPerPixel;
__m256 U = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(StartVectorX, XAxisPX), _mm256_mul_ps(StartVectorY, XAxisPY));
__m256 V = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(StartVectorX, YAxisPX), _mm256_mul_ps(StartVectorY, YAxisPY));
@@ -422,9 +494,12 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256i Mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(Avg, Zero, 14);
__m256i NonEdge = _mm256_cmp_ps(Avg, One, 13);
+ __m256 LayerMask = _mm256_and_ps(_mm256_and_ps(_mm256_cmp_ps(U, Zero, 13), _mm256_cmp_ps(U, One, 1)),
+ _mm256_and_ps(_mm256_cmp_ps(V, Zero, 13), _mm256_cmp_ps(V, One, 1)));
// If all of the pixels are zeroed in the mask (aka fall outside
// the UV lookup), we can skip the iteration.
- if (_mm256_movemask_epi8(Mask))
+ if (_mm256_movemask_epi8(LayerMask))
__m256i EdgeMask = _mm256_andnot_si256(NonEdge, Mask);
@@ -434,10 +509,9 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256 TexXFull = _mm256_mul_ps(U, LayerWidth);
__m256 TexYFull = _mm256_mul_ps(V, LayerHeight);
__m256i TexXInt = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(TexXFull);
- __m256i TexXIntPlusOne = _mm256_add_epi32(TexXInt, _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_cmpgt_epi32(LayerWidthMinusOne, TexXInt), Onei));
__m256i TexYInt = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(TexYFull);
+ __m256i TexXIntPlusOne = _mm256_add_epi32(TexXInt, _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_cmpgt_epi32(LayerWidthMinusOne, TexXInt), Onei));
__m256i TexYIntPlusOne = _mm256_add_epi32(TexYInt, _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_cmpgt_epi32(LayerHeightMinusOne, TexYInt), Onei));
// NOTE(fox): The comparison is for when we're on the last pixel of the texel.
__m256 TexX = _mm256_sub_ps(TexXFull, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(TexXInt));
@@ -449,6 +523,7 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256 TexBoth = _mm256_mul_ps(TexY, TexX);
__m256 TexBothInv = _mm256_mul_ps(TexXInv, TexYInv);
__m256i XLookup = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mullo_epi32(_mm256_srli_epi32(TexXInt, 2), Sixteeni),
_mm256_and_si256(TexXInt, BottomTwoBits));
__m256i YLookup = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mullo_epi32(_mm256_srli_epi32(TexYInt, 2), FullLayerWidth4i),
@@ -457,6 +532,12 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
_mm256_and_si256(TexXIntPlusOne, BottomTwoBits));
__m256i YLookupPlusOne = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_mullo_epi32(_mm256_srli_epi32(TexYIntPlusOne, 2), FullLayerWidth4i),
_mm256_mullo_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(TexYIntPlusOne, BottomTwoBits), Fouri));
+ __m256i XLookup = TexXInt;
+ __m256i YLookup = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(TexYInt), LayerWidth));
+ __m256i XLookupPlusOne = TexXIntPlusOne;
+ __m256i YLookupPlusOne = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(TexYIntPlusOne), LayerWidth));
__m256i PixelLookupTL = _mm256_add_epi32(XLookup, YLookup);
__m256i PixelLookupTR = _mm256_add_epi32(XLookupPlusOne, YLookup);
@@ -512,6 +593,7 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
A_Col = _mm256_blendv_ps(A_Col, _mm256_mul_ps(A_Col, Avg), EdgeMask);
__m256 LayerAlpha = _mm256_mul_ps(A_Col, LayerOpacity);
__m256 LayerAlphaInv = _mm256_sub_ps(One, LayerAlpha);
@@ -531,7 +613,7 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
__m256 A_Blend = LayerAlpha;
// Only load the dest pixel if we actually need to (a pixel's opacity isn't 255 or the blend mode requires it).
- if (_mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmp_ps(LayerAlpha, One, 2)) || T.BlendMode != blend_normal)
+ if (T.BlendMode != blend_normal || _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmp_ps(LayerAlpha, One, 2)))
__m256i DestPixel = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)Pixel);
__m256 R_Dest = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_and_si256( DestPixel, FF)), Norm255);
@@ -663,10 +745,13 @@ AVX2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
_mm256_or_si256(R_Out, _mm256_slli_epi32(G_Out, 8)),
_mm256_or_si256(_mm256_slli_epi32(B_Out, 16), _mm256_slli_epi32(A_Out, 24)));
- _mm256_maskstore_epi32((int *)Pixel, Mask, OutputPixel);
+ _mm256_maskstore_epi32((int *)Pixel, LayerMask, OutputPixel);
PixelX = _mm256_add_ps(PixelX, Four);
+ PixelX = _mm256_add_ps(PixelX, Eight);
@@ -729,7 +814,6 @@ SSE2_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegion)
for (int32 X = LayerBounds.Min.x; X < LayerBounds.Max.x; X += 4)
__m128 StartVectorX = _mm_sub_ps(PixelX, OriginX);
@@ -1040,7 +1124,6 @@ Fallback_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegi
for (int16 X = LayerBounds.Min.x; X < LayerBounds.Max.x; X++)
real32 StartVectorX = X - T.OriginX;
real32 U = (StartVectorX * T.XAxisPX) + (StartVectorY * T.XAxisPY);
@@ -1063,23 +1146,14 @@ Fallback_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegi
real32 TexBoth = TexY * TexX;
real32 TexBothInv = TexXInv * TexYInv;
-#if 0
- uint8 *TexPTR0 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*TexYInt + TexXInt*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
- uint8 *TexPTR1 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*(TexYInt+1) + TexXInt*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
- uint32 PixelA = *(uint32 *)TexPTR0;
- uint32 PixelB = *((uint32 *)TexPTR0 + 1);
- uint32 PixelC = *(uint32 *)TexPTR1;
- uint32 PixelD = *((uint32 *)TexPTR1 + 1);
uint32 XLookup, YLookup, PixelToSeek;
- // TODO(fox): Anti-aliasing on edges
uint16 LX = TexXInt;
uint16 LY = TexYInt;
uint16 LXPlus = Ceil(TexXInt+1, (uint32)T.LayerWidth - 1);
uint16 LYPlus = Ceil(TexYInt+1, (uint32)T.LayerHeight - 1);
// TODO(fox): Be careful with the BytesPerPixel here! It's the
// buffer's, not the layer's (currently everything is 4 bytes
// per pixel).
@@ -1102,12 +1176,25 @@ Fallback_RenderLayer(transform_info T, comp_buffer *Buffer, rectangle RenderRegi
YLookup = (LYPlus >> 2)*(T.FullLayerWidth*4) + (LYPlus % 4)*4;
PixelToSeek = XLookup + YLookup;
uint32 PixelD = *(uint32 *)((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + PixelToSeek*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
XLookup = (X >> 2)*16 + (X % 4);
YLookup = (Y >> 2)*(WidthP*4) + (Y % 4)*4;
PixelToSeek = XLookup + YLookup;
uint32 *Pixel = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)Buffer->PackedBuffer + PixelToSeek*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
+ uint8 *TexPTR0 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*LY + LX*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
+ uint8 *TexPTR1 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*LY + LXPlus*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
+ uint8 *TexPTR2 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*LYPlus + LX*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
+ uint8 *TexPTR3 = ((uint8 *)T.SourceBuffer + (uint16)T.LayerPitch*LYPlus + LXPlus*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
+ uint32 PixelA = *(uint32 *)TexPTR0;
+ uint32 PixelB = *(uint32 *)TexPTR1;
+ uint32 PixelC = *(uint32 *)TexPTR2;
+ uint32 PixelD = *(uint32 *)TexPTR3;
+ uint32 *Pixel = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)Buffer->UnpackedBuffer + Y*T.BufferPitch + X*Buffer->BytesPerPixel);
real32 TexRA = (real32)(PixelA & 0xFF) * Normalized255;
real32 TexRB = (real32)(PixelB & 0xFF) * Normalized255;
real32 TexRC = (real32)(PixelC & 0xFF) * Normalized255;
diff --git a/undo.cpp b/undo.cpp
index e288784..82a37ea 100644
--- a/undo.cpp
+++ b/undo.cpp
@@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ void Action_Change_Commit(memory *Memory, void *DataAddress, void *OriginalData,
*(action_change_type *)Data = ActionChange;
+// Helper functions for common types of data changes.
+void Action_Change_Commit_SwapBool(memory *Memory, bool32 *Bool)
+ bool32 OppositeBool = *Bool ^ 1;
+ Action_Change_Commit(Memory, Bool, Bool, &OppositeBool, action_change_i32);
// This is only called when we're certain the action is going to be taken.
void Action_Entry_Commit(memory *Memory, action_entry_type Type, char *Name)