path: root/main.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main.cpp')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index d0349fa..d6f9e71 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -44,20 +44,21 @@
#include "functions.h"
// #include "sharebuffer.h"
-SDL_atomic_t Render_Interrupt;
-// SDL_atomic_t CurrentEntry;
-// SDL_atomic_t QueuedEntries;
-// SDL_atomic_t CompletedEntries;
-static bool32 IsRendering = false;
+SDL_Thread *Thread[8];
+SDL_sem *Semaphore;
+SDL_atomic_t CurrentEntry;
+SDL_atomic_t QueuedEntries;
+SDL_atomic_t CompletedEntries;
+render_entry Entries[256];
+static uint64 BitmapBlockSize;
static instruction_mode InstructionMode = instruction_mode_scalar;
static uint32 RandomGlobalIncrement = 0;
// render_entry Entries[256];
-// SDL_Thread *thread[8];
-SDL_Thread *MainRenderThread;
-SDL_sem *Semaphore;
#include "memory.cpp"
#include "undo.cpp"
#include "strings.cpp"
@@ -67,47 +68,217 @@ SDL_sem *Semaphore;
#include "createcalls.cpp"
#include "ffmpeg_backend.cpp"
#include "my_imgui_widgets.cpp"
+#include "prenderer.cpp"
#include "gl_calls.cpp"
#if 0
#include "effects.cpp"
#include "keyframes.cpp"
#include "layer.cpp"
#include "bezier.cpp"
-#include "prenderer.cpp"
#include "bitmap_calls.cpp"
+static void
+Main_RenderUI(ImGuiIO io, ImVec4 clear_color, SDL_Window *window)
+ printf("Call ImGui::Render\n");
+ ImGui::Render();
+ glViewport(0, 0, (int)io.DisplaySize.x, (int)io.DisplaySize.y);
+ glClearColor(clear_color.x * clear_color.w, clear_color.y * clear_color.w, clear_color.z * clear_color.w, clear_color.w);
+ printf("Call GL renderer\n");
+ ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(ImGui::GetDrawData());
+ printf("Call window swap\n");
+ SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window);
+static void
+Main_InputTest(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, ui *UI, SDL_Window *window, GLuint textureID)
+ ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
+ SDL_Event event = {};
+ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
+ {
+ ImGui_ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(&event);
+ if (event.type == SDL_DROPFILE) {
+ char *DropFile = event.drop.file;
+ Source_Generate(File, State, Memory, DropFile);
+ SDL_free(DropFile);
+ }
+ if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
+ State->IsRunning = false;
+ if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE && event.window.windowID == SDL_GetWindowID(window))
+ State->IsRunning = false;
+ }
+ if (UI->Warp_WantSetPos) {
+ ImGui::GetIO().WantSetMousePos = true;
+ io.MousePos = UI->Warp_PositionToSet;
+ }
+ ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame();
+ ImGui_ImplSDL2_NewFrame();
+ ImGui::NewFrame();
+ if (UI->Warp_WantSetPos) {
+ ImGui_WarpMouseFinish(UI, io.MousePos);
+ io.MouseDelta = {};
+ UI->Warp_WantSetPos = false;
+ }
+ ImGui::DockSpaceOverViewport();
+ if (!io.WantCaptureKeyboard)
+ ImGui_ProcessInputs(State, io);
#if 0
+ ImGui_Viewport(File, &State, &UI, &Memory, CompBuffer, io, textureID);
+ ImGui_File(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
+ ImGui_EffectsPanel(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
+ ImGui_PropertiesPanel(&File, &State, &UI, &Memory, io);
+ // ImGui_Graph(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
+#if DEBUG
+ ImGui_DebugUndoTree(&File, &Memory);
+ if (Debug.ToggleWindow) {
+ ImGui::ShowDemoWindow();
+ ImGui_DebugMemoryViewer(&File, &Memory);
+ }
+ ImGui_Viewport(File, State, UI, Memory, io, textureID);
+ ImGui_Timeline(File, State, Memory, UI, io);
+ ImGui_File(File, State, Memory, io);
+ ImGui_DebugMemoryViewer(State);
+ // ImGui::ShowDemoWindow();
+#if DEBUG
+ Debug.Temp = {};
+ ImGui::EndFrame();
static void
-MainFunction(main_sdl *Main, memory *Memory,
- project_state *State, project_data *File,
- comp_buffer *CompBuffer)
+Render_Comp(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, ImGuiIO io, sorted_comp_info *SortedCompArray, sorted_layer *SortedLayerArray, uint32 CompIndex)
- Bitmap_Clear(CompBuffer->PackedBuffer, CompBuffer->Width, CompBuffer->Height, CompBuffer->BytesPerPixel);
- Bitmap_Clear(CompBuffer->UnpackedBuffer, CompBuffer->Width, CompBuffer->Height, CompBuffer->BytesPerPixel);
- for (int i = 0; i < File->NumberOfLayers; i++) {
- project_layer *Layer = File->Layer[i];
- if (Layer->StartFrame <= File->CurrentFrame &&
- Layer->EndFrame >= File->CurrentFrame)
+ block_composition *Comp = (block_composition *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Precomps, CompIndex);
+ cache_entry *Entry_Main = Memory_Cache_Search(State, Memory, State->Render.Entry, cache_entry_type_comp, CompIndex, State->Frame_Current);
+ void *CompBuffer = Memory_Block_Bitmap_AddressAtIndex(Memory, Entry_Main->Block_StartIndex);
+ sorted_comp_info *SortedCompInfo = &SortedCompArray[CompIndex];
+ sorted_layer *SortedLayerInfo = Layer_GetSortedArray(SortedLayerArray, SortedCompArray, CompIndex);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SortedCompInfo->LayerCount; i++) {
+ sorted_layer SortEntry = SortedLayerInfo[i];
+ uint32 Index_Physical = SortEntry.Block_Layer_Index;
+ block_layer *Layer = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Layers, Index_Physical);
+ if (Layer->Frame_Start <= State->Frame_Current &&
+ Layer->Frame_End >= State->Frame_Current && Layer->IsVisible)
- if (State->UpdateKeyframes) {
- for (int p = 0; p < Layer->NumberOfEffects; p++) {
- for (int o = 0; o < Layer->Effect[p]->NumberOfProperties; o++) {
- CalculateKeyframesLinearly(File->CurrentFrame, &Layer->Effect[p]->Property[o]);
- }
+ layer_bitmap_state *BitmapState = &State->Render.Bitmap[Index_Physical];
+ void *BitmapAddress = NULL;
+ if (!Layer->IsPrecomp) {
+ block_source *Source = (block_source *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Sources, Layer->Block_Source_Index);
+ cache_entry *Entry = Memory_Cache_Search(State, Memory, State->Render.Entry, cache_entry_type_source, Layer->Block_Source_Index, 0);
+ Assert(Source->Type == source_type_image);
+ if (!Entry->IsCached) {
+ uint64 Src_TimeStart = GetTime();
+ block_string *Name = (block_string *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Strings, Source->Path_String_Index);
+ int w = 0, h = 0;
+ void *temp = stbi_load(Name->Char, &w, &h, NULL, 4);
+ Source->Width = w;
+ Source->Height = h;
+ Source->BytesPerPixel = 4;
+ uint64 Size = Source->Width * Source->Height * Source->BytesPerPixel;
+ void *Source_Address = Memory_Block_Bitmap_AddressAtIndex(Memory, Entry->Block_StartIndex);
+ Arbitrary_WriteInto((uint8 *)temp, (uint8 *)Source_Address, Size);
+ stbi_image_free(temp);
+ BitmapState->ToUpdate = false;
+ BitmapState->CurrentFrame = 0;
+ Entry->CycleTime = GetTime() - Src_TimeStart;
+ Layer->x.CurrentValue = (Layer->Block_Source_Index == 0) ? 200 : Comp->Width/2;
+ Layer->y.CurrentValue = Comp->Height/2;
- for (int r = 0; r < AmountOf(Layer->Property); r++) {
- CalculateKeyframesLinearly(File->CurrentFrame, &Layer->Property[r]);
+ BitmapAddress = Memory_Block_Bitmap_AddressAtIndex(Memory, Entry->Block_StartIndex);
+ } else {
+ block_composition *Precomp = (block_composition *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Precomps, Layer->Block_Source_Index);
+ cache_entry *Entry = Memory_Cache_Search(State, Memory, State->Render.Entry, cache_entry_type_comp, Layer->Block_Source_Index, State->Frame_Current);
+ if (!Entry->IsCached) {
+ uint64 Src_TimeStart = GetTime();
+ Render_Comp(File, State, Memory, io, SortedCompArray, SortedLayerArray, Layer->Block_Source_Index);
+ Layer->x.CurrentValue = (Layer->Block_Source_Index == 0) ? 200 : Comp->Width/2;
+ Layer->y.CurrentValue = Comp->Height/2;
+ Entry->CycleTime = GetTime() - Src_TimeStart;
+ BitmapAddress = Memory_Block_Bitmap_AddressAtIndex(Memory, Entry->Block_StartIndex);
+ }
+ Assert(BitmapAddress);
+ // for (int a = 0; a < Layer->Block_Mask_Count; a++) {
+ // }
+ // for (int a = 0; a < Layer->Block_Effect_Count; a++) {
+ // }
+ transform_info T = Transform_Calculate(State, Memory, File, Layer, Comp);
+ T.SourceBuffer = BitmapAddress;
+ rectangle RenderRegion = {0, 0, Comp->Width, Comp->Height};
+ bool32 IsRendering = true;
+ Renderer_Start((void *)&T, CompBuffer, RenderRegion);
+ while (IsRendering) {
+ SDL_Delay(2);
+ Renderer_Check(&IsRendering);
+ // TODO(fox): Make interruptable if the render time gets too long.
- Layer_UpdateBitmap(File, Layer, Memory, File->CurrentFrame);
- State->UpdateKeyframes = false;
- QueueCurrentFrame(File, CompBuffer, State);
+static void
+Main_Renderer(project_data *File, project_state *State, memory *Memory, SDL_Window *window, GLuint textureID, ImGuiIO io)
+ State->UpdateFrame = false;
+ uint64 Comp_TimeStart = GetTime();
+ block_composition *MainComp = (block_composition *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Precomps, File->PrincipalCompIndex);
+ cache_entry *Entry_Main = Memory_Cache_Search(State, Memory, State->Render.Entry, cache_entry_type_comp, File->PrincipalCompIndex, State->Frame_Current);
+ void *MainCompBuffer = Memory_Block_Bitmap_AddressAtIndex(Memory, Entry_Main->Block_StartIndex);
+ // NOTE(fox): All layers are given a slot here
+ uint64 SortSize = (sizeof(sorted_comp_info) * File->Comp_Count) + (sizeof(sorted_layer) * File->Layer_Count);
+ void *SortedArray = Memory_PushScratch(Memory, SortSize);
+ Arbitrary_Zero((uint8 *)SortedArray, SortSize);
+ sorted_comp_info *SortedCompArray = (sorted_comp_info *)SortedArray;
+ sorted_layer *SortedLayerArray = (sorted_layer *)((uint8 *)SortedArray + (sizeof(sorted_comp_info) * File->Comp_Count));
+ Layer_SortAll(Memory, SortedLayerArray, SortedCompArray, File->Layer_Count, File->Comp_Count);
+ Render_Comp(File, State, Memory, io, SortedCompArray, SortedLayerArray, File->PrincipalCompIndex);
+ Memory_PopScratch(Memory, SortSize);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
+ int ByteFlag2 = (MainComp->BytesPerPixel == 4) ? GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+ if (!Entry_Main->CycleTime)
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, MainComp->Width, MainComp->Height, 0, GL_RGBA, ByteFlag2, MainCompBuffer);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, MainComp->Width, MainComp->Height, GL_RGBA, ByteFlag2, MainCompBuffer);
+ Entry_Main->CycleTime = GetTime() - Comp_TimeStart;
+ // TODO(fox): garbage collect AV state!
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
@@ -131,7 +302,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 1 * 1024 * 1024, P_AVInfo, "Image/video headers");
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 10 * 1024 * 1024, P_UndoBuffer, "Undo buffer");
- Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 10 * 1024 * 1024, P_MiscCache, "Misc persistent");
+ Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 40 * 1024 * 1024, P_MiscCache, "Misc persistent");
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, sizeof(project_data), F_File, "File", sizeof(project_data));
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 10 * 1024 * 1024, F_Precomps, "Precomps", sizeof(block_composition));
@@ -142,7 +313,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, 10 * 1024 * 1024, F_Strings, "Strings", sizeof(block_string));
Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, (uint64)64 * 1024 * 1024, B_ScratchSpace, "Scratch");
- // Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, (uint64)200 * 1024 * 1024, B_CachedBitmaps, "Cached bitmap buffer");
+ // Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, (uint64)1 * 1024 * 1024, B_CachedBitmapInfo, "Cached bitmap info");
+ Memory_InitTable(&GlobalMemory, &Memory, (uint64)50 * 1024 * 1024, B_CachedBitmaps, "Cached bitmap buffer");
#if ARM
InstructionMode = instruction_mode_neon;
@@ -160,45 +332,98 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
project_data *File = (project_data *)Memory_Block_AllocateAddress(&Memory, F_File);
*File = {};
File->Occupied = 1;
+ ui UI = {};
block_composition *MainComp = (block_composition *)Memory_Block_AllocateAddress(&Memory, F_Precomps);
+ // MainComp->Width = 3840;
+ // MainComp->Height = 2160;
MainComp->Width = 1280;
MainComp->Height = 720;
MainComp->FPS = 24;
MainComp->BytesPerPixel = 4;
MainComp->Frame_Count = 48;
MainComp->Frame_End = 48;
+ MainComp->Occupied = 1;
+ MainComp->Name_String_Index = String_AddToFile(&Memory, "Main comp");
+ block_composition *Comp2 = (block_composition *)Memory_Block_AllocateAddress(&Memory, F_Precomps);
+ Comp2->Width = 500;
+ Comp2->Height = 500;
+ Comp2->FPS = 24;
+ Comp2->BytesPerPixel = 4;
+ Comp2->Frame_Count = 48;
+ Comp2->Frame_End = 48;
+ Comp2->Occupied = 1;
+ Comp2->Name_String_Index = String_AddToFile(&Memory, "Another comp");
+ File->Comp_Count = 2;
+ // 1 MB for 4, 2 MB for 8
+ BitmapBlockSize = (MainComp->BytesPerPixel / 4) * 1024 * 1024;
uint16 SourceIndex = Source_Generate(File, State, &Memory, (void *)"../asset/a.jpg");
block_source *Source = (block_source *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Sources, 0);
Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, &Memory, SourceIndex, MainComp->Frame_End);
- block_layer *Layer = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 0);
+ }
+ block_layer *Layer = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 0);
- History_Undo(&Memory);
- History_Redo(&Memory);
+ {
+ uint16 SourceIndex = Source_Generate(File, State, &Memory, (void *)"../asset/b.jpg");
+ block_source *Source = (block_source *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Sources, 1);
+ Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, &Memory, 1, MainComp->Frame_End);
+ Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, &Memory, SourceIndex, MainComp->Frame_End);
- State->Render.MainCompBuffer = (void *)((uint8 *)Memory.Slot[P_MiscCache].Address + sizeof(project_state));
+ {
+ uint16 SourceIndex = Source_Generate(File, State, &Memory, (void *)"../asset/c.jpg");
+ block_source *Source = (block_source *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Sources, 2);
+ Layer_CreateFromSource(File, State, &Memory, SourceIndex, MainComp->Frame_End);
+ }
+ block_layer *Layer1 = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 0);
+ Layer1->Vertical_Offset = 0;
+ block_layer *Layer2 = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 1);
+ Layer2->IsPrecomp = true;
+ Layer2->Vertical_Offset = 1;
+ Layer2->Col[0] = 1;
+ block_layer *Layer3 = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 2);
+ Layer3->Vertical_Offset = 0;
+ Layer3->Col[1] = 1;
+ Layer3->Block_Composition_Index = 1;
+ block_layer *Layer4 = (block_layer *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(&Memory, F_Layers, 3);
+ Layer4->Vertical_Offset = 1;
+ Layer4->Col[2] = 1;
+ Layer4->Block_Composition_Index = 1;
+ // History_Undo(&Memory);
+ // History_Redo(&Memory);
-#if 0
- thread_info ThreadInfo[7];
+ Semaphore = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0);
+ int Index[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- char str[256];
- ThreadInfo[i].Index = i;
- ThreadInfo[i].RenderInfo = &RenderInfo;
- thread[i] = SDL_CreateThread(TestThread, str, &ThreadInfo[i]);
+ Index[i] = i;
+ Thread[i] = SDL_CreateThread(TestThread, "thread", (void *)&Index[i]);
// Decide GL+GLSL versions
#if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
// GL ES 2.0 + GLSL 100
const char* glsl_version = "#version 100";
@@ -281,141 +506,37 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForOpenGL(window, gl_context);
- int64 i = 0;
- while (i < MainComp->Width*MainComp->Height) {
- *((uint32 *)State->Render.MainCompBuffer + i++) = 0xFF2F0000;
- }
GLuint textureID;
glGenTextures(1, &textureID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, MainComp->Width, MainComp->Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, State->Render.MainCompBuffer);
ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
- // Semaphore = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0);
- // MainRenderThread = SDL_CreateThread(MainRenderer, "Main render thread", &State->Render);
while (State->IsRunning)
- SDL_Event event;
- while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
- {
- ImGui_ImplSDL2_ProcessEvent(&event);
- if (event.type == SDL_DROPFILE) {
- char *DropFile = event.drop.file;
- Source_Generate(File, State, &Memory, DropFile);
- SDL_free(DropFile);
- }
- if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
- State->IsRunning = false;
- if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE && event.window.windowID == SDL_GetWindowID(window))
- State->IsRunning = false;
- }
- // if (UI.WantSetPos) {
- // ImGui::GetIO().WantSetMousePos = true;
- // io.MousePos = UI.SetPos;
- // }
- ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_NewFrame();
- ImGui_ImplSDL2_NewFrame();
- ImGui::NewFrame();
- // if (UI.WantSetPos) {
- // ImGui_WrapMouseFinish(&UI, io.MousePos);
- // io.MouseDelta = {};
- // UI.WantSetPos = false;
- // }
+ printf("Call UI\n");
+ Main_InputTest(File, State, &Memory, &UI, window, textureID);
- ImGui::DockSpaceOverViewport();
-#if 0
- if (!io.WantCaptureKeyboard)
- ImGui_ProcessInputs(&File, &State, &CompBuffer, &Memory, &UI, io);
- ImGui_Viewport(File, &State, &UI, &Memory, CompBuffer, io, textureID);
- ImGui_File(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
- ImGui_EffectsPanel(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
- ImGui_PropertiesPanel(&File, &State, &UI, &Memory, io);
- ImGui_Timeline(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
- // ImGui_Graph(&File, &State, &Memory, &UI, io);
- ImGui_Viewport(MainComp, textureID);
- ImGui::ShowDemoWindow();
-#if 0
-#if DEBUG
- ImGui_DebugUndoTree(&File, &Memory);
- if (Debug.ToggleWindow) {
- ImGui::ShowDemoWindow();
- ImGui_DebugMemoryViewer(&File, &Memory);
- }
- if (UI.TemporaryUpdateOverride) {
- UI.TemporaryUpdateOverride = 0;
- State.UpdateFrame = 1;
+ if (State->UpdateFrame) {
+ printf("Call renderer\n");
+ Main_Renderer(File, State, &Memory, window, textureID, io);
- if (UI.Initializing)
- UI.Initializing--;
+ Assert(Debug.ScratchState == 0);
- // if (File.CurrentFrame != shmp->shared_framenumber) {
- // File.CurrentFrame = shmp->shared_framenumber;
- // }
+ printf("Call render UI\n");
+ Main_RenderUI(io, clear_color, window);
- // Right now IsRendering does nothing. I have it here if we want to
- // completely detatch the rendering updater onto its own thread so the
- // UI never lags.
-#if 0
- if (State.UpdateFrame && !IsRendering) {
- MainFunction(0, &Memory, &State, &File, &CompBuffer);
- State.UpdateFrame = 0;
- }
- uint32 C = SDL_AtomicGet(&CompletedEntries);
- if (IsRendering) {
- while (C != 16) {
- C = SDL_AtomicGet(&CompletedEntries);
- CheckQueue(RenderInfo, 8);
- }
- C = SDL_AtomicGet(&CompletedEntries);
- if (C == 16) {
- FinishRenderAndUpload(&State, &CompBuffer, textureID);
- }
- }
- if (IsRendering) {
- FinishRenderAndUpload(&State, &CompBuffer, textureID);
- }
- ImGui::Render();
- glViewport(0, 0, (int)io.DisplaySize.x, (int)io.DisplaySize.y);
- glClearColor(clear_color.x * clear_color.w, clear_color.y * clear_color.w, clear_color.z * clear_color.w, clear_color.w);
- ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_RenderDrawData(ImGui::GetDrawData());
- SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window);
+ // TODO(fox): Fix things that rely on this.
+ if (State->Initializing)
+ State->Initializing--;
- // for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- // SDL_DetachThread(thread[i]);
- // }
- // shm_unlink("/testl");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ SDL_DetachThread(Thread[i]);
+ }