Windows (MSVC only) ------- 1. Obtain libraries for SDL2 and FFmpeg. * If you want to use the libraries that get statically linked to the official binaries, download them from here and place them in dependencies/bin. * url * You can also just use the more common dynamic versions. Make sure they're in your PATH and that you set STATIC=0 in build.bat. 2. Set ARM=1 if on ARM. (is there a way to auto-detect?) 3. Activate the VS environment by opening a Visual Studio terminal or running vcvarsall.bat. 4. Run build.bat. OSX/Unix -------- 1. Obtain libraries for SDL2 and FFmpeg. * In most package managers they're simply "sdl2" and "ffmpeg". 2. Install dylibbundler if you want the application bundle (.app) to be generated. * url 3. Run Extra ----- * Turn on program-level debug info and checking by setting DEBUG=1. * Speed up compilation times after your first build by setting IMGUI=0.