// Buffer management static void * Layer_AllocateBuffer(memory *Memory, uint16 Width, uint16 Height, uint16 BytesPerPixel); // static project_layer * Layer_Init(project_data *File, memory *Memory); // Initializes a layer's name and properties. Add a source manually. static void Bitmap_CalcPackedDimensions(uint16 Width, uint16 Height, uint16 *WidthP, uint16 *HeightP); // Returns the dimensions a packed bitmap should be in memory. static uint16 Bitmap_CalcByteOffset(uint16 BytesPerPixel); // Returns the amount of bytes a loop goes through depending on the InstructionMode. static uint64 Bitmap_CalcTotalBytes(uint16 Width, uint16 Height, uint16 BytesPerPixel); // Returns the total amount of bytes a bitmap takes up. static void Bitmap_ConvertPacking(void *Buffer, void *DestBuffer, uint16 Width, uint16 Height, uint16 BytesPerPixel, uint16 Which); // Libav (ffmpeg) backend for decoding video static bool32 AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename); // Tests whether a decoder is available for a given file. static void AV_CodecInfo_Init(char *filename, source *Source, memory *Memory); // Initializes all internal structs and calculates average PTS. static bool32 AV_LoadVideoFrame(source *Source, memory *Memory, int32 TimelineFrame); // Loads video frame at TimelineFrame.