#if SPECIAL #include "main.h" #endif // workaround to make libav error printing work #ifdef av_err2str #undef av_err2str #include av_always_inline std::string av_err2string(int errnum) { char str[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE]; return av_make_error_string(str, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE, errnum); } #define av_err2str(err) av_err2string(err).c_str() #endif // av_err2str bool32 AV_TryFrame(av_info *AV, AVCodecContext *CodecContext, int32 *err, bool32 *EndOfFile, int StreamIndex) { *err = av_read_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, AV->Packet); bool32 CheckForStream = (StreamIndex != -1) ? (AV->Packet->stream_index == StreamIndex) : 1; if (!(*err >= 0 && CheckForStream)) { av_packet_unref(AV->Packet); return 0; } if (*err < 0) *err = avcodec_send_packet(CodecContext, AV->Packet); else { *err = avcodec_send_packet(CodecContext, AV->Packet); } av_packet_unref(AV->Packet); if (*err == AVERROR_EOF) { *err = 0; *EndOfFile = true; av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(CodecContext); return 0; } if (*err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav *error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(*err)); Assert(0); } while (*err >= 0) { *err = avcodec_receive_frame(CodecContext, AV->Frame); if (*err == AVERROR_EOF) { *EndOfFile = true; av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(CodecContext); *err = 0; break; } else if (*err == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { *err = 0; break; } else if (*err < 0) { Assert(0); } return 1; } return 0; } void AV_IsFileSupported(char *filename, bool32 *IsVideo, bool32 *HasAudio) { int32 err = 0; AVFormatContext *temp = avformat_alloc_context(); err = avformat_open_input(&temp, filename, NULL, NULL);; // if (*err == AVERROR_) { // } if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); avformat_free_context(temp); return; } err = avformat_find_stream_info(temp, NULL); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); avformat_free_context(temp); return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < temp->nb_streams; i++) { AVCodecParameters *LocalCodecParameters = NULL; LocalCodecParameters = temp->streams[i]->codecpar; const AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_decoder(LocalCodecParameters->codec_id); if (LocalCodecParameters->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if (codec) { *HasAudio = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Codec not found.\n"); } } if (LocalCodecParameters->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { if (temp->streams[i]->duration == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "TODO(fox): Make single-frame FFmpeg work!\n"); } else if (codec) { *IsVideo = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Codec not found.\n"); } } } avformat_free_context(temp); } void AV_Dealloc(av_info *AV) { Assert(AV); avformat_free_context(AV->FileFormatContext); avcodec_free_context(&AV->Video.CodecContext); avcodec_free_context(&AV->Audio.CodecContext); av_packet_free(&AV->Packet); av_frame_free(&AV->Frame); }; void AV_InitStream(av_stream_info *Stream) { int32 err = 0; Stream->Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(Stream->CodecParameters->codec_id); if (!Stream->Codec) { printf("Libav error: Suitable decoder could not be identified for codec.\n"); } Stream->CodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(Stream->Codec); if (!Stream->CodecContext) { printf("Libav error: Decoder context allocation failed."); } err = avcodec_parameters_to_context(Stream->CodecContext, Stream->CodecParameters); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); } avcodec_open2(Stream->CodecContext, Stream->Codec, NULL); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); } } // The duration isn't always reported in AVStream, but seeking towards the end // and advancing until we hit EOF seems to be accurate. void AV_GetDuration(av_info *AV, av_stream_info *Stream, uint64 *Duration, real32 *SecondCount) { if (Stream->Stream->duration > 0) { *Duration = Stream->Stream->duration; } else { avformat_seek_file(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, INT64_MIN, 10000000000, INT64_MAX, 0); int32 err = 0; bool32 EndOfFile = 0; uint64 TestDuration = 0; while (err >= 0) { if (AV_TryFrame(AV, Stream->CodecContext, &err, &EndOfFile, Stream->Index)) { TestDuration = AV->Frame->pts; } av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); if (EndOfFile) break; } *Duration = TestDuration; } real32 FPS = (real32)AV->Video.Stream->r_frame_rate.num / AV->Video.Stream->r_frame_rate.den; if (Stream->Stream->nb_frames > 0) { *SecondCount = Stream->Stream->nb_frames / FPS; } else if (AV->Video.CodecContext) { Assert(AV->FileFormatContext->duration > 0); *SecondCount = (real32)AV->FileFormatContext->duration / 1000000LL; } } void AV_Init(block_source *Source, av_info *AV, memory *Memory) { int32 err = 0; // enum AVHWDeviceType type; // while((type = av_hwdevice_iterate_types(type)) != AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE) // printf("%s\n", av_hwdevice_get_type_name(type)); // The two calls below theoretically shouldn't fail since we already tested them in IsFileSupported. AV->FileFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); block_string *String = (block_string *)Memory_Block_AddressAtIndex(Memory, F_Strings, Source->Path_String_Index); err = avformat_open_input(&AV->FileFormatContext, String->Char, NULL, NULL);; if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); Assert(0); } err = avformat_find_stream_info(AV->FileFormatContext, NULL); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); Assert(0); } for (uint32 i = 0; i < AV->FileFormatContext->nb_streams; i++) { AVCodecParameters *LocalCodecParameters = NULL; LocalCodecParameters = AV->FileFormatContext->streams[i]->codecpar; if (LocalCodecParameters->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { AV->Audio.Index = i; AV->Audio.CodecParameters = LocalCodecParameters; AV->Audio.Stream = AV->FileFormatContext->streams[i]; } if (LocalCodecParameters->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { AV->Video.Index = i; AV->Video.CodecParameters = LocalCodecParameters; AV->Video.Stream = AV->FileFormatContext->streams[i]; } if (AV->Video.Stream && AV->Audio.Stream) break; } if (!AV->Video.CodecParameters && !AV->Audio.CodecParameters) { printf("Libav error: No tracks found."); } if (AV->Video.CodecParameters) AV_InitStream(&AV->Video); if (AV->Audio.CodecParameters) AV_InitStream(&AV->Audio); AV->Packet = av_packet_alloc(); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); } AV->Frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(err)); } if (AV->Video.CodecParameters) { Source->BytesPerPixel = 4; Source->Width = AV->Video.CodecContext->width; Source->Height = AV->Video.CodecContext->height; Source->FPS = (real32)AV->Video.Stream->r_frame_rate.num / AV->Video.Stream->r_frame_rate.den; AV_GetDuration(AV, &AV->Video, &AV->PTSDuration, &AV->SecondCount); AV->LastFrameRendered = -1; av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); } else { AV_GetDuration(AV, &AV->Audio, &AV->PTSDuration, &AV->SecondCount); av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); } avcodec_flush_buffers(AV->Video.CodecContext); avcodec_flush_buffers(AV->Audio.CodecContext); }; uint32 AV_AudioTest(av_info *AV, void *Data, uint32 Size, real32 FPS, int32 InitialFrameToSeek) { AVChannelLayout ChannelLayout = {}; av_channel_layout_default(&ChannelLayout, 2); av_stream_info *Stream = &AV->Audio; Assert(Stream->CodecContext->ch_layout.nb_channels == 2); real32 TotalFrames = AV->SecondCount * FPS; int64 SeekPTS = (int64)(((real64)InitialFrameToSeek / TotalFrames) * AV->PTSDuration); int64 AveragePTS = AV->PTSDuration / TotalFrames; int32 err = 0; bool32 EndOfFile = 0; while (err >= 0) { if (AV_TryFrame(AV, Stream->CodecContext, &err, &EndOfFile, Stream->Index)) { if (AV->Frame->pts < Stream->Stream->start_time || AV->Frame->pts < SeekPTS) { av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); continue; } // NOTE(fox): The docs say Frame->format corresponds to AVSampleFormat, but ffplay doesn't need the cast. SwrContext *Swr = swr_alloc(); swr_alloc_set_opts2(&Swr, &ChannelLayout, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 48000, &AV->Frame->ch_layout, (AVSampleFormat)AV->Frame->format, AV->Frame->sample_rate, 0, NULL); swr_init(Swr); uint8 **Out = (uint8 **)&Data; const uint8 **In = (const uint8_t **)AV->Frame->extended_data; int len = swr_convert(Swr, Out, Size, In, AV->Frame->nb_samples); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Libav error: (%s)\n", av_err2str(len)); av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "swr_convert() failed\n"); Assert(0); } /* int BytesPerSample = av_get_bytes_per_sample(Stream->CodecContext->sample_fmt); Assert(BytesPerSample == 2 || BytesPerSample == 4); int Offset = (BytesPerSample == 4) ? 2 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < (Stream->Frame->nb_samples * 2); i+=2) { uint16 *Channel_L = (uint16 *)Data + i + 0; uint16 *Channel_R = (uint16 *)Data + i + 1; *Channel_L = (*(uint16 *)(Stream->Frame->data[0] + BytesPerSample*i)) / Offset; *Channel_R = (*(uint16 *)(Stream->Frame->data[1] + BytesPerSample*i)) / Offset; int aa = 0; } */ return len; } av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); } return 0; } void AV_SeekAudio(av_info *AV, real32 FPS, int32 FrameToSeek) { Assert(FrameToSeek > -1) int64 SeekSeconds = (int64)(FrameToSeek / (int32)(FPS + 0.5f) * AV_TIME_BASE); av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, SeekSeconds, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); } void AV_LoadVideoFrame(memory *Memory, block_source *Source, av_info *AV, int32 FrameToSeek, void *Buffer) { int32 *LastFrameRendered = &AV->LastFrameRendered; int32 err = 0; Assert(FrameToSeek > -1) // NOTE(fox): The decoder automatically advances to the next frame, so we // don't need to call av_seek_frame under normal playback. // This function only seeks to the nearest "keyframe." if (*LastFrameRendered != FrameToSeek - 1) { int64 SeekSeconds = (int64)(FrameToSeek / (int32)(Source->FPS + 0.5f) * AV_TIME_BASE); av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, SeekSeconds, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); printf("Seek activated\n"); } else if (*LastFrameRendered < 0) { av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); } *LastFrameRendered = FrameToSeek; real32 TotalFrames = AV->SecondCount * Source->FPS; int64 SeekPTS = (int64)(((real64)FrameToSeek / TotalFrames) * AV->PTSDuration); int64 AveragePTS = AV->PTSDuration / TotalFrames; bool32 EndOfFile = 0; while (err >= 0) { if (AV_TryFrame(AV, AV->Video.CodecContext, &err, &EndOfFile, AV->Video.Index)) { // The first frame that gets loaded isn't always the actual // first frame, so we need to check until it's correct. if (FrameToSeek == 0 && AV->Frame->pts < AV->Video.Stream->start_time) { av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); // printf("NON-START: avg: %li, real pts: %li", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts); continue; } int64 Difference = AV->Frame->pts - SeekPTS; if (abs(Difference) < AveragePTS) { if (AV->PreviousPTS == -1) { AV->PreviousPTS = AV->Frame->pts; // printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->Frame->pts, Difference); } else { // printf("avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li difference from last pts: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->Frame->pts, AV->Frame->pts - SeekPTS, AV->Frame->pts - AV->PreviousPTS); AV->PreviousPTS = AV->Frame->pts; } uint16 Width = Source->Width; uint16 Height = Source->Height; uint16 BytesPerPixel = Source->BytesPerPixel; int32 Pitch = Width*BytesPerPixel; int out_linesize[4] = { Pitch, Pitch, Pitch, Pitch }; uint8 *dst_data[4] = { (uint8 *)Buffer, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel*2, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel*3 }; // NOTE(fox): This function will be replaced in the future. AV->RGBContext = sws_getContext(AV->Frame->width, AV->Frame->height, (AVPixelFormat)AV->Frame->format, AV->Frame->width, AV->Frame->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA, SWS_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!AV->RGBContext) { printf("Libav error: SwsContext creation failed."); } sws_scale(AV->RGBContext, AV->Frame->data, AV->Frame->linesize, 0, AV->Frame->height, dst_data, out_linesize); av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); return; } else { // If this gets printed when not seeking, a frame has been skipped! // printf("FRAME SKIP: avg: %li, real pts: %li, difference: %li\n", SeekPTS, AV->VideoFrame->pts, Difference); } av_frame_unref(AV->Frame); } } Assert(0); } #if 0 cached_bitmap * AV_LoadStill(block_source *Source, layer_bitmap_info *BitmapInfo, memory *Memory) { av_info *AV = (av_info *)BitmapInfo->AVInfo; int32 *CurrentlyRenderedFrame = &BitmapInfo->CurrentFrame; int32 err = 0; *CurrentlyRenderedFrame = 0; av_seek_frame(AV->FileFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME); while (err >= 0) { if (AV_TryFrame(AV, &err)) { uint16 Width = Source->Width; uint16 Height = Source->Height; uint16 BytesPerPixel = Source->BytesPerPixel; int32 Pitch = Width*BytesPerPixel; cached_bitmap *Bitmap = Memory_RollingBitmap(Memory, Source, 0); void *Buffer = Bitmap->Data; int out_linesize[4] = { Pitch, Pitch, Pitch, Pitch }; uint8 *dst_data[4] = { (uint8 *)Buffer, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel*2, (uint8 *)Buffer + Width*Height*BytesPerPixel*3 }; // NOTE(fox): This function will be replaced in the future. AV->RGBContext = sws_getContext(AV->VideoFrame->width, AV->VideoFrame->height, (AVPixelFormat)AV->VideoFrame->format, AV->VideoFrame->width, AV->VideoFrame->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA, SWS_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!AV->RGBContext) { printf("Libav error: SwsContext creation failed."); } sws_scale(AV->RGBContext, AV->VideoFrame->data, AV->VideoFrame->linesize, 0, AV->VideoFrame->height, dst_data, out_linesize); av_frame_unref(AV->VideoFrame); Assert(BitmapInfo->BitmapBuffer); return Bitmap; } av_frame_unref(AV->VideoFrame); } return 0; } #endif